Thursday, August 12, 2010

More to This Life - Enlightentment

It often seems that life just goes on, but there is more to this life. This is a song that tells us "There is more than living and dying, trying to make it through the day, more than these eyes alone can see, more than this life alone can be." It may seem a strange tie-in to enlightenment but that is how it seems a lot of the time. Enlightenment is when we look to the "more," to transcendence, revelations, and epiphanies that show us there is more. I like to contrast the physical and the spiritual. The physical is how we build up our "kingdom" of the "right" job, education, body, children, home, car, and so on that society tells us we "should" have. Spirit is when we realize that much of that cultural conditioning is just plain B.S. Eckhart Tolle teaches us to find the whole, perfect, and complete "Being" beyond this life; the spiritual life. Buddhism finds it through Nirvana, literally "blowing out" like a candle flame, to find "Alaya," our home, our essence. Another simple favorite tool for enlightenment? Row, row row your boat (live your life), gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily (gently and joyfully), life is but a dream. Wake up and live, there is more to this life! Also check out More to Life

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