Thursday, February 17, 2011

Denial - Resistance - Aversion

Denial can be an insidious beast. It can trick us into reactivly rushing around creating constant business as an avoidance tactic or conversely shutting down and zoning out to the real issues. Resistance and aversion are other masks denial wears to hide its true colors. Personally I ran into this yesterday when two people showed up to buy my car. The highest bidder went to the bank to get the cash and never came back, thus killing two possible sales as I believed I did not have the second guys number. I was stunned. I couldn't believe what had happened. I shut down from the world and was just spinning in my head. After a couple of hours I picked up my journal and started getting in touch with my feelings. I then grabbed my "sanity files" of gratitude, Buddhism, Twelve Step recovery info and others and opened back up to the basic goodness all around me. My dog and I went for a nice walk as the sun went down and I listened to inspiring music. With my compassion for myself and others revived I sent a text to the deadbeat guy and expressed my feelings and thoughts kindly and assertively. My resistance and aversion to the reality of the situation resolved, I was able to find the phone number for the other guy and give him a call (but still no sale). I hesitate to say which tool worked best as each one came through as invaluable. I can say I am extremely grateful for them all, that I don't have to live in denial, not for long at least.

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