Sunday, October 3, 2010

Optimistic - Positive - Inspired - Fulfilled

I have always thought of myself as a "half full" person. The problem is I keep bumping up against "half empty" folks. The disease is scarcity, lack, poverty, and deprivation. Sadder still is those people's half full side seems to be sour milk. Being a recovering co-dependent I still get caught up in that crap from time to time but it has taught me a great lesson; I'm not a "half full" anymore, due to my brimming recovery toolbox, and especially my abundance and gratitude work, I am now overflowing! And not just water, overflowing with every good and wonderful thing. In fact my teacher Joel says throw out the glass, get a bucket, and let that fill to overflowing! He also reminds me I am a child of good, an if a child an heir. An heir to what? To all the blessings, all the gifts of God, a treasure house, overflowing of course! So I'm gonna Live Out Loud because It's a great day be alive and there Aint no stoppin us now as we Celebrate good times. How about you?

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